League of Legends Secrets

League of Legends Secrets
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Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hello to all! :)

Estiah is another MMO I've been playing for quite a while now. I wrote several articles on it that are located at articleincome.com (that I can't seem to access at the moment, so I owe you for that). Basically, imagine having a deck of playing cards. Each card represents a piece of armor, a weapon, a potion, or a spell (or something else all together). It has classic RPG elements like Hit Points and Stats, but mixes them in with trading card game elements like the aforementioned deck (your maximum deck size is equal to your Spirit, which is a Stat).

If you're not into TCGs, then perhaps you won't like it. But, being an avid trading card game fan for over 5 years now, I have to say that it is extremely enjoyable. :)

If you want to join, I'll provide a link below. ;)

Play Estiah now! :)

Yes, that's a referral link. :P
The only thing I get is 3 points into a skill gained specifically through referring people to play the game. There has never been, and will never be a way for players to gain an advantage by paying or spamming referrals (the reward for leveling up the Mentoring skill is enough to make you feel satisfied to have done it, yet not enough to make you all powerful against players who don't refer others).

So whatcha waiting for? :P

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