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Friday, January 14, 2011

Starcraft 2: Tips, Strategies, and Tricks from a Silver-Level Player

It's finally time for another videogame article! :D

I recently started playing Starcraft II again, but this time I'm playing in the ladder. This is probably the first RTS game I've ever played where I actually play against other players. I don't tend to be a player vs player type of guy. However, I have to say that the matchmaking system for Battle.net 2 is actually pretty good.

I enjoy being able to just connect, click a button and find an opponent within thirty seconds.

Anyways, the article I wrote up details several tips I have for newbies that are struggling to claw their way up the ladder, much like myself. ;)

If you want to check it out, the link is: http://adf.ly/IyKJ

In other news, I should have a new internet connection in a few days. It will allow me to connect via Wi-Fi, so I'll finally be able to access the DQVC in Dragon Quest IX for exclusive goodies. I'm already stoked. :D

Also, should I decide to resume playing it after a LONG hiatus, I could play versus other people in Pokémon HeartGold as well. (That link leads to my relevant article; I write a lot, what can I say? :P)

Anyways, that's about it from me for now. If you ever find a Winterfate in Starcraft II, it's probably me (unless someone decides to name themselves like me; one of the failings of a system that doesn't have unique name limiters).

Until the next time, take care and have fun! ;)

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